House Number Lab on

House Number Lab on

July 01, 2020

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Modern House Number Giveaway

Modern House Number Giveaway

January 20, 2020

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Case Study Modern House Number

Case Study Modern House Number

November 29, 2019

The Case Study Houses were among the most influential in shaping our current sensibilities about what is modern architecture. Hosted by Arts & Architecture magazine from 1945 to 1966, they were experiments in American residential architecture focusing on designing and building inexpensive and efficient home designs. 

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Transom house number

Welcome to our new home!

November 29, 2019

Welcome to the new HNL website! With the world of ecommerce moving along at quite the clip we wanted to bring ourselves up to speed and help us prepare to expand our product line, share insights and stories around architecture and design and meet the needs of our customers, vendors and community. 

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House Number Lab in the Washington Post

House Number Lab in the Washington Post

September 22, 2019

“Numbers are the only typography on your house,” says Glenn Milano, who started the House Number Lab in 2011 when he couldn’t find a proper sign for his Wardman-style townhouse on Capitol Hill. “You can put a mindless number up there to get the job done. But you are missing a great opportunity to do something beautiful and interesting.”

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